3 March 2024 - 23:18, by PT. Global Expo Management, in , Comments off

VENDOTEK T is a compact cEMV validator for
public transport. VENDOTEK V is an automated
POS terminal for self-service in vending and retail.

Terminal Technologies Group is a leading
manufacturer of VENDOTEK contactless EMV
validators and card readers for public transport, POSterminals for vending. Well-known international
companies Mikroelektronika, AMCO, Famoco, NEC
use our technologies, ordering thousands of devices
under their trademarks. Our products are certified by
Mastercard, Visa, UnionPay, CIPURSE, PURE. More
than 150,000 VENDOTEK validators, POS terminals
and bank card readers are used worldwide thanks to
the best functionality, modern design, and low price.
The small 3.5-inch device with touchscreen accepts
all contactless payment methods including transit
cards and bank cards, mobile payment apps, and QR.
For the price of 1 standard validator, you can install
3 or 4 VENDOTEK at all doors in buses or metro
turnstiles. Today, our bank and transport card readers
are used in Russia, Belarus, France, Greece, Bulgaria,
Czech Republic, UAE, Armenia, India, Uzbekistan,
China, Kazakhstan, Turkey, Azerbaijan, etc.

About author: PT. Global Expo Management
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